Understanding the ins and outs of roof anchor points

As with every height safety system, there’s a time and place for roof anchor points and understanding when they should be applied is key to the level of safety it provides. Roof anchor points are fall arrest and fall restraint systems providing safe attachment points for static lines and lanyards. They are best suited for tasks that cannot be completed from the ground or where guardrails are impractical. 

The most common (and dangerous) misconception is that roof anchor points are interchangeable with guardrails. While they serve similar purposes, they are designed for very different applications and provide different levels of safety. To avoid creating additional hazards for your user, it is also important to consider the equipment and surrounding roof area as well as their specific roof placement. 

As well as procurement support services, our certified team can assess if roof anchor points are right for your application and advise on potential risks and hazards you need to watch for. In addition to our design services, we’ll ensure your anchor point system is structurally sound and compliant from the start.

What to consider when installing your anchor point system

Due to the complexity of the system, you will require more due diligence to ensure roof anchor points are used by trained users only. Not only is there an increased risk of falling while moving from point to point, untrained users are also more at risk of the pendulum effect. Roof anchor points will require more on-going maintenance and additional certification requirements.

While there are a lot of roof anchor points in the market, many also have not been tested for compliance with Australian standards and industry regulations. Each manufacturer also has their own specifications for installation, making it essential that your installer is familiar with your specific roof anchor point system.

Not sure if roof anchor points are right for you or if your current system is compliant? We can assess your application and provide advice on the right height safety system for you. We can also test and inspect its installation, including on-site load testing for anchor point systems.

Feeling overwhelmed by the procurement process?

Our expert team can guide you through the process and be by your side, step by step. From finding the right provider to assessing tender submissions and installations.

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Workplace Access and Safety:

Your height safety and fall prevention experts

Independent height safety experts

  • Independent height safety experts
  • 45 years’ industry experience
  • National certified specialists, inspectors and engineers
  • Height safety advice, risk assessments and consulting

Combining years of practical experience and industry expertise, you can be confident in the compliance and safety of your system. 

From site assessments and system design to testing, inspections and certifications, we’re here to provide expert advice to keep your business protected and workplace safe.

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